You Season 4 Part 2 Spoiler Review: Joe Goldberg Crumbles Under His Own Ambition

Warning: Disclosure for the entirety of Season 4 below.Friend It is never afraid to make the audience suspicious. The prerequisite is that the audience must be willing to accept that Joe Goldberg has been murdering people in America since he was a boy, barely eyebrows. In some cases, it was this cynical suspension that led to some of the show’s best moments (episode 3 of Joe and Love’s attempt to form a quartet comes to mind). Friend However, season 4 season 2 broke with skepticism and landed in a very eccentric place, losing the trust of viewers when cheap tricks and fake hoaxes resembled those who came to watch. light.

Friend Season 4, Season 2 begins as soon as the final series of episodes is left unfinished. Joe has returned to London, but has kept Eat the Rich Killer’s identity a secret, both to make sure his own secret is safe and to give himself time to come up with a plan. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is dealing with the aftermath of the events at Phoebe’s rural estate. Phoebe, in particular, is struggling with what happened, while the others quietly try to get over Gemma’s death. Reese continues to run for Mayor of London while blackmailing Joe, and things quickly spiral out of control as chaos ensues.


WARNING: The rest of this review discusses your Season 4, Part 2 plot in detail. Can’t discuss Friend Season 4 does not acknowledge the twists and turns that occurred in the second half of the season. After an almost unfounded relationship between Mrs. Phoebe and a stalker, Joe hallucinated about his relationship with Rhys Montrose. They only met briefly, and everything that happened at Phoebe’s mansion, and the murder that Joe had covered up for Reese, was all committed by Joe in a certain state of being on the run. Most importantly, Joe didn’t let Marianne escape at the start of the season—he locked her in his signature glass cage deep in the London Underground. Joe is the real Eat the Rich Killer, and he’s sharing his thoughts with Jonathan Moore, the luxury London professor he so desperately wants to be.

Like the split between Jonathan and Joe, the second half Friend Season 4 feels disjointed, splitting time between Phoebe’s impending marriage to her mean boyfriend Adam and Joe’s discovery of his true self in London. There’s also a rather awkwardly inserted side story involving Kate’s father, played by Greg Kinnear, and Nadia’s investigation into Joe’s true identity. The latter is the only bright spot in the chaotic black hole, as Nadia tries to rescue Marianne from Joe’s cage. FriendWhen another false inclination suggests that she died by suicide (which really doesn’t fit the character of her beloved mother), her ruse only reveals that all is well. part of some master plan devised by college freshmen.

English-season-4-part-2 Penn Badgley in Season 4, Season 2.

Admittedly this reviewer found the first half Friend Season 4 fun. It retains the crazy storytelling that made season three so successful, even if it feels a bit clunky. Putting Joe at the center of a murder mystery sounds like an inspiring choice and for a show like Friend To survive, the audience must be vigilant. Part 1 definitely achieves this. On the other hand, revealing that it was all a lie feels like a dirty trick, revealing Friend There is no trust in the audience.

In the end, the new season feels like cramming a few ideas into a bunch of crammed episodes. Eat the Rich Killer is an interesting concept, but it doesn’t leave much to be desired. If anything, telling the true story of Joe looking back at what he did mid-season feels like a delaying tactic. He’s never faced his decisions the way he did in season 4, but following that development in real time will be more interesting and nuanced than pulling a man. out in front of viewers under the guise of a turning point that many have seen from the very beginning.

And Friend Season 4 ended in a happy place, with Joe being free to live a public life with Kate (Kate somewhat agreed with him killing her father), and the show could go anywhere. from now. However, the fact that Joe Goldberg never felt this rambling seems to answer whether it should or not.

all episodes Friend Season 4 is available now on Netflix.

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